Svarna Maksika Sodhana - A review through Rasa classics

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Journal of Ayurveda Medical Sciences,2017,2,2,158-164.
Published:April 2017
Type:Review Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Krushnkumar Taviad1*, Shweta Vekariya2, Prashant Bedarkar3, Galib Ruknuddin4, Biswajyoti Patgiri5

1,3,5Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, 2Department of Dravyaguna, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar 361008, Gujarat. 4Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi 110076, India.


Introduction: Rasa Śāstra is a branch of science exclusively dealing with different aspects of metals and minerals including their origin, varieties, characteristics, processing techniques, properties, therapeutic applications etc. in a comprehensive way. These metals and minerals are to be processed before their internal administration. The processes include Śodhana, Māraṇa etc. that are essential in making the raw material suitable for therapeutics. Svarṇa Mākṣika is one such mineral that after proper processing become highly potent and useful in Prameha (Diabetes), Pānḍu (Anemia), Kuṣṭha (Skin diseases), Jwara (Fever), Anidrā (Insomnia) etc. Classics mention different treatment procedures for Svarṇa Mākṣika that are scattered throughout the texts of Rasa Śāstra. Here an attempt has been made to compile all such references pertaining to Śodhana. Methods: Śodhana processes of Svarṇa Mākṣika were compiled from classical texts and analysed by segregating type of basic procedure, media and principle used in the procedure etc. Results: At least 34 (Plant origin-24, Animal origin- 05, Mineral origin-05) varieties of liquids are used as Śodhana dravya in classics. Twenty six methods of Śodhana were described in various texts that can be categorized into five basic methods like Swedana, Bharjana, Nirvāpa, Mardana and Puṭapāka. Conclusion: This work may prove a torch bearer for future research works on Svarṇa Mākṣika.